Sunday, June 26, 2005


It may have been something about the weather or it may have been under the influence of our ‘end of journey’ spirits that created the rain on the last few hours of our journey. Is the light beyond the dark cloud and Gowrie Mountain the begining of the next CarCamera adventure? We like to think it is!!

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Lots of pubs, jump-ups, windmills and the odd Qantas Jumbo along this stretch through western Queensland. SEE IMAGES - post this link in your browser

Monday, June 20, 2005


Wide-open spaces, straight roads and boredom are relieved by taking moving CarCamera images along the Barkly and Carpenteria Highways. But there are moments of amazement when confronted by mile upon mile of grasslands – SEE images. Another border crossing is undertaken – our journey has encompassed four Australian states and two territories – this is the last crossing.

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Sunday, June 19, 2005


On leaving Kakadu we travel again on the Stuart Highway – but this time the light is on our back (This may sound strange however travelling north on the highway generally makes the CarCamera view backlit – Going south does make things look different). The road itself becomes a prominent subject and moving 1~2 minute time exposures whilst the car is moving create unique views. Following a slow moving caravan (we call them ‘white cruisers’ and ‘road dams’) for the long exposure time can be tricky but the image presents a profoundly ‘real’ impression of the experience. In other images the blurry moving road is contrasted against a cloud form, which changes little in the long exposure.

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Near Renner Springs we skip off the highway on to an older section which features a rock formation known as Churchill’s Head. An oval of rock sits on the edge of a cutting with a couple of metres of pipes sticking out of the ‘lips’ part of the formation – we make our simplified view by placing pens in our mouths.

Outback travel can be hazardous – We didn’t go the whole 500 kilometres of the road with no fuel (SEE picture) however we did travel some of its dusty corrugated surface.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Leaving Darwin we headed east towards the World Heritage listed Kakadu National Park. Heat and humidity have now become a significant aspect of the daily experience – quite different from the cool/cool Central Australian temperatures. But soon we will encounter something else far worse - - - M O S Q U I T O E S!!! These villains make any dusk to dawn outside activity a slap and scratch frenzy - Digital file processing takes place in the tent. Forget about sharks and crocks! The shower becomes a bloodbath and a fight for life at any time of the day!

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Most people visit Kakadu for the landforms, the wildlife including birds and crocodiles and Aboriginal culture an art. We witnessed it all, however, the CarCamera had restricted access. Wildlife is viewed by participating in boat cruises from locations like Yellow Waters – SEE CarCamera image taken from the boat ramp. Curiously while making a roadside stop to photograph corkscrew pandanus by a culvert one of the ‘top 5’ birds to see, the Jabiru, emerged from a shady spot and stopped in the pandanus thicket long enough for a CarCamera image – Vicky tried to image it with the 300D camera as well.

Crocodiles have been trained to jump out of the water for tourist’s horror and amusement. At Alligator River a statue celebrates this unusual behaviour and becomes a CarCamera subject – so does views from boat ramps that show the haunt of these reptiles.

Anthills also inhabit this region and for the material for several images – some are huge, others are shaped like people we know, and occasionally they just look fantastic particularly in burnt-out areas where their orange colours are contrasted against the blackened earth.

Monday, June 13, 2005


A final 350km today took us up the Stuart Highway to Darwin. Drove around all the sunset viewing areas and made some carcamera images before dark. Managed to spend the evening with Peter Solness, local photographer and wife Trish.

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The Stuart Highway has been the major feature of the journey so getting to Darwin concludes that part of the journey. Tomorrow we head off to Kakadu and then begin the 4000klm journey home - By the way the ol Tarago clicked over 10,000 ks for the journey thus far. Most we've paid for fuel was $1.50 a litre at Kings Canyon

Friday, June 10, 2005


After a long solid northerly drive today we ended up at Mataranka with a very flustered campground supervisor. The Mataranka Thermal Pool is just a beautiful as ever - Masses of palms, paperbarks and blue/clear hot springs bubbling-up to soothe tired limbs.

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Essentailly drove through Katherine after stopping for supplies - Managed to follow a three trailer road-train for a full minute along a short double lane section of the road - see the pic.

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Visited once before Edith Falls (also oart of the Nitmiluk/Katherine Gorge National Park) was a truely remarkable sight. A pool of water as big as a city block is fed from a cascading waterfall. The pool is surrounded by pandanus, paperbarks and freshwater crocs. The campsite is like a lawned parkland edged by the natural bush. Our one day stay became two, then three and then four!! Did some adventure walks and lots of swiming - saw some Gouldian Finches - quitea rare sight.

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